This area is devoted to the promotion of Spawn: The Dark Ages.
As Fans, it is partly up to us to spread the word about this book
and make sure as many people as possible give it a chance. The comic
industry just doesn't do enough to advertise their products,
even when they are of such high quality.
So, its left up to us... the future of this title
is something WE CAN IMPACT, and WILL impact. To your right are
links to things that will help promote StDA and keep it going
strong for a long time to come.
Thanks and if you have an idea to help promote Spawn: The Dark Ages, email it
to: stda@echoes.every1.net
StDA Colorist Todd Broeker tells the power of Fan letters
Where do I send Fan Letters?
HELP ADVERTISE in local shops using these Printable Flyers
Important for ALL Comic Book Fans:
!! PYRAMID EMAIL PROMOTION !! Special 13 Page StDA Preview