[ link to 13 page preview below - please read this page first ]
The comic industry is going through a HARD time. Books are falling prey to low sales, and
even the highest quality comics with insanely talented creative teams are being canceled. We
CANNOT let this happen, and we DO have the power to make a difference. While
this particular promotion is for The Dark Ages, it is about more than that...its about Fans making
a statement. It is about Fans saying, "Look, we can bring you sales. Give us what we want and we'll
support your comic." This is just a starting point. StDA can be the example for other titles out there.
Word of mouth is the ultimate advertising tool. When positivity spreads from one person to the next,
it makes things happen. The Pyramid Email Promotion (PeP) is all about friends spreading the word to
- You send an email which has a link to an awesome 13
page Dark Ages preview to as many friends as you possibly can.
( the link is: https://stda.tripod.com/promo/sample/sample.html )
- In your email, ask them to forward the preview on to all the people they think might be interested
in checking it out.
It is that simple! By doing this, we can create a huge chain of emails going out across the world. The
more people you send the link to, the more people will see how much Dark Ages has to offer.
In the end, it is a numbers game, one person can't do it alone...but a united effort can spread the word to
millions in a very short period of time when we have a tool like the internet to get the message out
So, let's get started. Below is the link to the special preview pages of Dark Ages. Email that link
to as many people as you can, and ask them to forward the link to anyone else that might like the book.