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Todd Broeker's Bio
Todd Broeker, a corn-fed boy from Elgin, Illinois, born September 11, 1967, had dreams of becoming the next "Darin Stevens" (Bewitched ad guru). After graduating from DePauw University he worked a couple of unfulfilling jobs in Chicago advertising and came to understand the harsh reality that "Darin" was fictional. It was then that he turned to his childhood love-next to Planet of the Apes, STAR WARS, Billy Idol, and Punk music-comics. Drawing and painting comic book characters became his full-time obsession after he was inspired by artwork at a 1990 convention. When a Chicago Tribune ad read, "Come play with Spiderman" Todd sent his work in, and was hired immediately to perfect color separations for a service bureau, whose clients included DC, Marvel and Image. A year later, Todd branched out to start his own freelance business, Fierce Colorgraphics, working on Shadowhawk and Demolition Man, among other projects. In the spring of 1994, Todd answered the phone to an unfamiliar voice: "Toddy? This is Todd McFarlane..." After he picked himself up from the floor, he spent the next year working on such books as Angela and Blood Feud, until Todd and his wife, Beth, were moved to Phoenix, where he became the first in-house colorist for Todd McFarlane Productions. For the first few years he color directed Roy Young and then Mark Nicholas on such projects as Spawn, Curse of the Spawn, the Spawn Bible and Total Eclipse. Increasing the workload to work on Spawn the Undead, Cy-Gor and Sam & Twitch, Todd pushed his last color team of Jay Fotos, Drew Hutchinson and his Mac G3 to their limits. In the spring of 2000, Todd McFarlane asked Todd to be the Executive Producer for Due to mitigating circumstances, TMP began going through financial cutbacks that fall, resulting in dissolving the web and color departments. Since then, Todd has started his own company, TB Creative, coloring Spawn the Dark Ages and helping conservation groups by providing art, design, and marketing solutions as a creative director. When he isn't working away on his Mac 500x500 G4, and he isn't swimming in his pool, you may find Todd water skiing, off-roading in his '98 Jimmy, or maybe hiking/biking with his dogs, Maggie and Scout. END